The Best sunset at the Beach

A mountain is a large landform that stretches above the surrounding land in a limited area, usually in the form of a peak. A mountain is generally steeper than a hill. Mountains are formed through tectonic forces or volcanism. These forces can locally raise the surface of the earth. Mountains erode slowly through the action of rivers, weather conditions, and glaciers. A few mountains are isolated summits, but most occur in huge mountain ranges.Whether a landform is called a mountain may depend on local usage. The highest point in San Francisco, California, is called Mount Davidson, notwithstanding its height of …

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Algunas claves para buen alimentación del surfero.

Lo primero – beber suficiente agua!  Agua es lubricante para nuestros articulaciones, transportador de los elementos necesarios, y mucho mas  Falta de agua puede provocar calambres. Que puede ser peor durante buena sesion del surf?   Segundo – dieta equilibrada. Vitaminas y microelementos entre cuales los mas importantes son potasio, magnesio, hierro ..finalisacion de articulo está en progreso…

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The Ultimate Guide to Travelling Alone

Whilst traveling with friends or organized groups is fairly common, by choice or by necessity many people travel alone. Traveling alone is a unique experience and can be a very rewarding way of traveling, despite a few drawbacks. Understand Traveling alone is not uncommon and most solo travelers are able to meet other travelers at hostels, bars, organised tours or any place where travelers tend to hang out or congregate. A growing trend is women traveling alone, and there are some great websites supporting this endeavour. In particular there are hundreds of tours and retreats that are just for women. …

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The Majestive view of Stars at Night!

A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Other stars are visible to the naked eye from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. Historically, the most prominent stars were grouped into constellations and asterisms, and the brightest stars gained proper names. Extensive catalogues of stars have been assembled by astronomers, which provide standardized star designations. For at least a portion of its life, a star shines due to thermonuclear fusion …

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